
Product updates

It takes a seamless, unified and smart payments platform to deal with complex payments. As we work on Qualy, here we spotlight what we’ve learned and updated across our products.

Create payment plans using Qualy AI

We're excited to introduce AI-enhanced payment planning with Qualy! Now, Qualy can automatically analyze PDF documents to identify courses, dates, and payment details. Here's what's new:

  • Automatic payment plans: Qualy creates a personalized payment plan for each course, based on your Letter of Offer (LOO).
  • Detailed payment items: Each plan includes due dates, descriptions, and amounts whenever possible.
  • Ready for your review: All plans are pre-generated for your review and easy editing.
  • Save LOO in the contact profile: The LOO is saved securely in contact profile for future reference.
  • Customizable splits: Choose whether Qualy should automatically split payments or let you manage this manually.

New ACH Direct Debit payment method

We're thrilled to introduce a new Direct Debit payment method: ACH Direct Debit. Now you can choose between ACH Direct Debit or PayTo, or give your contacts both options.


  • Improved Direct Debit information screen: We've added a dedicated screen to view direct debit information, including:

    • Payments authorized
    • Type
    • Account
    • Validity date
    • Maximum amount
  • PDF Generation for DD agreements: Users can now generate Direct Debit (DD) agreements in PDF format for easy access and record-keeping.

  • Agreement cancellation: We've introduced the ability to cancel DD agreements directly from the portal.

Easy refunding for credit card transactions

Easily refund credit card transactions, directly from Qualy.


  • Enhanced transactions screen: Now displays card name, number, and balidity date for new transactions, providing more detailed information.

  • Processing fee display: Transactions now show processing fees, if applicable, providing clarity on costs.

Availability and stock management

We're thrilled to introduce slot/seats management for services, enhancing control and availability. Here's what's new:

  • Customizable slots/seats: Customers can now define the number of slots/seats available for a service.

  • Real-time validation: Qualy automatically validates slot availability upon new order creation. If no slots/seats are available, the purchase process is halted.

  • Automated management: Qualy handles and deducts the remaining slots/seats with each purchase, ensuring accurate availability.

RTO Manager integration

We're excited to announce our new RTO Manager integration. Here's what's new:

Payment syncing:

  • Automatic syncing: Qualy fetches and syncs payments from RTO Manager every few hours, updating only changed or new payments.
  • Customizable sync settings: Customers can choose the sync range (future and past) to control data visibility.
  • Detailed payment sync: Qualy syncs payment details including due dates, amounts, and payment status (paid/partially paid).

Student syncing:

  • Dynamic student creation: Students are created in Qualy upon payment syncing.
  • Comprehensive student data: Qualy fetches student information, including name, email, profile picture, and USI.
  • Owner assignment: Students are assigned to the same "Owner" as in RTO Manager for seamless management.

Payment split and agency syncing:

  • Agency and commission management: Payment splits with agencies/commissions are synced back to Qualy.
  • Automatic agency creation: Agencies are created in Qualy if they don't exist during payment split creation.

Additional Syncing Features:

  • Comprehensive agency details: Qualy fetches legal names, contact details, addresses, ABN, and bank account information from RTO Manager.
  • Partnership updates: Weekly checks ensure partnership details are up-to-date in Qualy, including account manager assignments and primary/secondary country syncing.

Pay your partners even when the payment was received via another system

If you haven't received a payment from a contact yet or need to pay your partner without delay, PayTo allows you to pay them directly within Qualy.

How it works

  1. Navigate to Payouts: Access the split in Qualy where payment from the contact is still pending.
  2. Choose "Pay partner via Qualy": In the split details, utilize the PayTo feature to manually process payments to your partner.

Use cases

  • Urgent LOO Requirement: In situations where a student has made a credit card payment, and you need to generate the LOO immediately, you can use PayTo to transfer the money promptly.

  • Third-Party Payments: If your school has received payment from the student through a third-party system and wants to streamline commission payments, Qualy's PayTo feature provides a convenient solution.


  • Efficiency: Settle payments swiftly and conveniently within Qualy.

  • Streamlined processes: Enhance collaboration and streamline financial transactions, especially in scenarios involving third-party payments.


  • We revamped the payment split and payout page with a much better design
  • The payment split and payout page now shows only the actions available for that payment split

Monthly payment snapshot

Starting from December 2023, we have implemented an automated monthly email snapshot feature for all admin users of Qualy accounts. This enhancement aims to keep owners and managers informed about their Qualy account status, even if they don't interact with Qualy on a daily basis. This proactive communication is designed to empower them to champion, invest, and stay informed about the value delivery of Qualy.


Owners and managers, although not necessarily engaging with Qualy daily, play a crucial role in the success of the platform. The monthly snapshot email serves as a convenient and informative tool to bridge the gap between Qualy statistics and real-world value and results.


  • We also celebrate the holidays and NYE with a special logo (hover the mouse pointer over to dicover a surprise)
  • We improved the reports: now we have even more filters, and columns on many reports

WhatsApp Web integration

Introducing a new feature that enables you to conveniently send payment links using WhatsApp Web.

How it works

  1. Access WhatsApp Web: Open WhatsApp Web on your desktop browser.
  2. Select payment: Within Qualy, choose the payment you want to share.
  3. Share instantly: Click the "Send with WhatsApp Web" option to send the payment link directly through WhatsApp Web.


  • We've also added a way for you to choose which fields are required when creating a coontact.
  • You can now filter contacts by partnership.
  • Many other improvements in how we reconcile, import, and manage payments.

Manage your users's permissions and access

We have introduced enhanced user permissions, refining access control to ensure more secure and tailored user experiences. Here's a breakdown of the new features:

User access levels

  • Super admin privileges: Super admins retain full access.
  • Limited access: Users without super admin status now have restricted access. Specific permissions are required for each feature.

Visual Indicators

  • Authorization padlock: In areas where users lack proper authorization, a small padlock icon will be displayed on the menu and various other locations.

Fine-grained access control

  • Payment and splits: Users can now opt to view only their own created payments and splits for a more personalized experience.
  • Contacts: Enhanced control over contact visibility, allowing users to see only contacts they own, contacts in their team, or all contacts.


  • You can also now see which experimental features are active in your account.
  • We've improved the messages and how Qualy prevents and communicates potential mistakes when managing a payment.

Support for Ecommerce and Contact portal sales

Exciting news! Qualy now enables your customers to purchase specific services without the need to create be in your Qualy account yet. This enhancement includes the creation of a dedicated page displaying all services for non-logged-in contacts, guiding leads seamlessly through the checkout process.

How it works

Method 1:Leads choose their service from your catalog

  1. Access Public Link: Access the public link of your service catalog.
  2. Select product/service: Leads choose their desired service.
  3. Provide information: If there are custom fields set for public display, leads enter their personal information.
  4. Contact creation: A contact is automatically created.
  5. Checkout: Leads proceed to the payment page and complete the payment.

Method 2: Custom URL access

  1. Receive URL: Your client receives a specific URL from you.
  2. Click to buy: The lead clicks to purchase the service.
  3. Checkout: The lead follows steps similar to Method 1 to complete the transaction.


  • Flexibility: You can choose which services to make publicly available for quick and easy selling.
  • Effortless checkout: Streamlined process for non-logged-in leads, guiding them through service selection, information input, contact creation, and payment.


  • You can now also add splits of type "Keep percentage" with 100% in the percentage field.
  • Customize your email payment reminders with your own text and content.
  • Many visual improvements in the "Create a contact" window.

Payments and your own contact portal

We've improved how we display your payments and payment plan in the Contact Portal. Now if the contact has direct debit we will show them that too. But, in case they don't we make sure to let them know they could put all their payments on direct debit (as long as you have this payment optiona active in your account).

Seamless Xero integration for your payments and splits

Xero is a very popular accounting software in Australia. Say no more, we are now fully integrated with Xero. Every payment you have on Qualy is synced to Xero, your payment splits with your partners too. You can choose how you want Qualy to sync them (e.g. Tax Invoices, Bills, etc).

Qualy helps you get granular and automatic reports on Xero for your costs, receivables and more by sending all the information Xero needs. No intervention required from your end.

Easy and automatic payment plan creation

A lot of the time, your customers may be paying multiple payments instead of one. Qualy can help you create payment plan in many ways, and now we have one more. Tell Qualy how much you want as deposit, how frequent are the payments, and the total amount. Qualy will create the payments and split with your partners automatically.

Add discounts to your payments

You can now add discounts to your payments. Just like any other payment item, add discounts by making the amount negative. Qualy understands that this amount is a discount, and will know how to handle this specific, but popular case. When you add a discount, you can't add splits to the discount.


  • Our Import tool is capable of importing your payments with a Supplier.
  • Fixed a small bug that affected splits when you had a payment item with no amount.


This is our product update page. You have an always up-to-date timeline of features and improvements we are making across Qualy products.